Improve Productivityof your manufacturing and Intralogistics

Make decisions based on actual data about
and movement of key assets.
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We have create product that will help
you to build manufacture.


Make decisions based on actual data about location and movement of key assets.

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Process KPIs

Make decisions based on actual data about location and movement of key assets.

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Lean Manufacturing

Make decisions based on actual data about location and movement of key assets.

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Control who can see
your data

Indoorway allows you to monitor and understand the movement of mobile assets such as forklifts, tugger trains, workers, or WIP – with great accuracy and in real time.
  • monitor the movement of mobile assets
  • monitor the movement of mobile assets
  • monitor the movement of mobile assets

Effortlessly & securely share campaign insights

Indoorway allows you to monitor and understand the movement of mobile assets such as forklifts, tugger trains, workers, or WIP – with great accuracy and in real time.
  • monitor the movement of mobile assets
  • monitor the movement of mobile assets
  • monitor the movement of mobile assets

Real-time Assets Tracking

Indoorway allows you to monitor and understand the movement of mobile assets such as forklifts, tugger trains, workers, or WIP – with great accuracy and in real time.
  • monitor the movement of mobile assets
  • monitor the movement of mobile assets
  • monitor the movement of mobile assets


Will you be able to post posts on behalf of my account or make any other actions such as comments?

Similar to what was mentioned above. The Social Connect is ‘read only’, which essentially means we will never be able to do any actions such as posting or commenting on behalf of your Instagram account.

What will you Social Connect do with my data after I connect my Instagram account?

We will only share your post and audience insights to brands that you have given permission to. 

Why should I use Indoorway app and not just send a screenshot?

Indoorway makes your life 
easier, more secure and trustworthy for both parties. Sending screenshots can be time consuming, however Social Connect leads to more successful collaborations between you and the brand. 

Have more questions?

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